Only a short stay at Sapphire but a lovely place and exceptional view! Had a great time climbing Petit Piton on the morning of our first day. We went with Jahrod Alcindor of Eco Adventures – Highly recommended as a guide.
Petit Piton is not a difficult climb but the slippery rocks and very muddy route do make it hazardous, in places there is a lot of exposure to long drops- so if you are nervous with heights – maybe reconsider this activity. We got to the top in 1hr 30 mins and back down in a similar time. The key is to leave early (6:30am is good) – that way you will avoid all groups, most of which you will encounter on decent. Note that although not technically difficult, this should be considered fairly serious outing where good upper body strength is essential ( you will be using your arms to pull yourself up almost 60% of the climb. The summit is well worth it and so is the view! Food: Bell View Restaurant was good, was not that impressed with the food at Petit Peak. Good cocktails at skippers Bar. Friendly beach @ Anse (About a 10 min drive away at Jade Mountain Resort). Adam & Gemma – New Forest, Hampshire, England. Thanks for a great stay Janus. Nice to meet you and best of luck with your projects! Hope to see you again in the future. |
February 2023